HomeBlogSEOHow to Do an SEO Audit : The Ultimate Checklist for Success

How to Do an SEO Audit : The Ultimate Checklist for Success

A thorough SEO audit is critical for any business or individual to ensure an effective online presence. In this guide on “How to Do an SEO Audit: The Ultimate Checklist,” we will delve into the various aspects of a complete SEO audit, ensuring that your website stands out in search engine results. Let’s start.

SEO Audit Checklist

What is an SEO Audit ?

An SEO audit is essential for any website that wants to be competitive in the search engine rankings. It involves analyzing a website’s content, technical aspects, and external factors to identify opportunities for improvement. By optimizing these areas of your site, you can increase visibility in organic search results and improve user experience.


The first step of an SEO audit is to review the content on your site. This includes looking at page titles, meta descriptions, headings (H1-H6), images, copywriting, and more. You should also assess how well each page follows SEO best practices, such as using keywords naturally throughout the text or including keyword phrases in strategic locations like H1 tags or image alt text. Look for broken links and duplicate content that could hurt your rankings.


After assessing your site’s content quality, it’s time to look closely at its technical elements, such as HTML code structure and URL structure optimization. These are often overlooked, but they play an important role when it comes to improving visibility in organic search results because they make sure Google can easily crawl through all pages on your website without any problems like slow loading times or redirect errors which can affect ranking positions negatively if not addressed quickly enough.

External Factors

The last part of an SEO audit looks into external factors that may influence how well your website performs online; this includes backlinks from other websites pointing toward yours and social media signals (shares and likes). Evaluating these components helps determine whether additional steps are needed to strengthen their impact on overall rankings or adjust existing strategies accordingly. After all, strong links from reputable sources will give Google confidence that you have something valuable worth linking to.

Local businesses require expertise when optimizing their online presence through local search engine optimization (SEO). Here, one would focus mainly on listings management, ensuring accurate information about location address details along with contact numbers and opening hours is provided. Additionally, relevant locally-focused content creation and curation tailored to target audience preferences and interests should be implemented. Lastly, keywords related directly to the home base business operations must be used throughout all web pages so that users know exactly what services/products are offered without any guesswork.

Types of SEO Audits

  • On-Page SEO Audit

An on-page SEO audit looks at the elements of a page that can be optimized for search engine crawlers. This includes meta descriptions, titles, and image alt text. It also checks whether the content is keyword targeted and properly structured with headings, subheadings, lists, etc. Additionally, an on-page audit will assess how well pages are linked internally and externally. By taking these steps, you’ll be able to ensure your website is as visible as possible in the SERPs (search engine results pages).

  • Off-Page SEO Audit

Regarding off-page optimization, there are two main areas to consider – quantity and quality of links pointing back to your site from other websites or domains. A good way to start assessing this is by looking at both the number of links being generated as well as their relevance in terms of topics covered within them – which should align with what you’re trying to rank for on Google or other search engines. Additionally, look into whether those links have been established recently; freshness matters regarding offsite link building.

  • Technical SEO Audit

A technical SEO audit focuses more on performance metrics such as page speed loading times and security protocols like HTTPS encryption versus HTTP connections. An experienced professional will be able to identify any code issues that need addressing, such as unnecessary plugins slowing down load times or even spammy content impacting rankings negatively due to poor user experience signals sent out by Google’s algorithms. Furthermore, they’ll check for mobile responsiveness since most searches nowadays come from phones rather than desktops and laptops, ensuring all images are compressed correctly so they don’t slow down loading speeds too much while still keeping high-resolution visuals intact where necessary.

  • Local SEO Audit

Local businesses often require specialized attention when optimizing their online presence through local search engine optimization (SEO). Here an expert would focus mainly on listings management, including accurate information about location address details along with contact numbers & opening hours, etc., relevant locally focused content creation & curation tailored specifically towards target audience preferences & interests, plus ensuring the correct use of keywords related directly back home base business operations throughout all webpages so that users know exactly what services products being offered without having guesswork involved whatsoever.

An SEO Audit Checklist

An SEO audit is essential for any successful digital marketing campaign, as it helps identify potential issues that could be preventing your site from reaching its full potential.

SEO Audit Checklist

#1. Domain Factors

The domain name itself is the first thing you should look at when conducting an SEO audit. Is it relevant to what you do? Does it contain keywords or phrases related to your business? Are there any typos or other errors that need correcting? Additionally, consider how long the domain has been registered and if there have been any changes in ownership over time. These factors can affect your website’s ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs).

#2. Page-Level Factors

When auditing page-level factors, pay close attention to E-A-T (Expertise, Authority & Trustworthiness), headlines, keyword cannibalization, user engagement metrics such as bounce rate and average session duration, and more. Ensure each page on your site contains unique content with targeted keywords throughout; this will help ensure Google understands what each page is about and why users should visit them. Also, check for broken links or images – these can negatively impact rankings too!

#3. Content-Leng

Content length plays a major role in SEO success – longer content tends to rank higher than shorter pieces and provides readers with more value, leading to better engagement metrics like time spent on the page and click-through rates (CTR). Aim for 1,000 words per post where possible; if this isn’t feasible, make sure all content is well written with plenty of internal linking opportunities so readers stay engaged until the end of the article.

#4. Duplicate Content Issues

Duplicate content can be disastrous for SEO efforts since search engines won’t know which version of a particular piece of content should appear higher up in SERPs – resulting in lower rankings across all versions involved.

To avoid duplicate content issues altogether,r use canonical tags whenever necessary; alternatively, consider using 301 redirects instead so visitors are always directed towards one definitive version rather than multiple copies scattered around different parts of your website.

#5. Website’s Content Factors

As part of an SEO audit, you’ll want to review schema markup used throughout the site – ensuring everything complies with current best practices while providing additional context about certain elements within webpages, such as product reviews or contact information sections, etc.

You’ll also want to take into account how easy it is for users to navigate around different areas by assessing things like sitemap structure & breadcrumbs navigation systems before finally looking at organic CTR data from analytics tools like Google Search Console which will give insight into how often people actually click through from SERPs after finding a link associated with one particular webpage on your site.

#6. Website Updates

Monitoring ongoing website changes is key when conducting regular audits since even small tweaks here & there can have huge implications when improving overall performance across various channels, including organic traffic sources.

Be mindful during updates, though – double checking things like robots .txt files, sitemaps, image optimization settings, etc., to ensure no major problems occur due to unforeseen circumstances; otherwise, you may have to start the entire process again, further delaying progress made thus far!

#7. Link Profile Audit

Link profiles play a vital role in determining whether websites get penalized by search engines because bad links pointing back towards them could result in being removed completely from the index! Therefore important to keep track of incoming links regularly to spot anything suspicious early enough to prevent a disaster from happening later. Several online tools are available to help detect toxic links quickly and easily without breaking a sweat. For example, among many other markets today, Majestic and Ahrefs Moz Pro are worth exploring further to see what fits needs best!

#8. On-site Technical SEO Factors

Last but certainly least comes technical side matters regarding the actual website itself; most common mistakes include forgetting to add meta descriptions, titles missing alt attributes, incorrectly formatted HTML code, slow loading times, lack of mobile responsiveness, etc. All these minor details need to be addressed properly to achieve optimal performance levels and desired outcomes, ultimately achieving the goal set out to begin the journey first place.

Frequently Asked Questions

To perform an SEO audit, follow these steps: 1. Analyze domain factors like name, age, and history. 2. Evaluate page-level factors such as E-A-T, headlines, and keywords. 3. Assess content length and user engagement. 4. Identify duplicate content issues and fix them accordingly. 5. Check website updates for site architecture and schema markup implementation.

The ultimate content audit checklist includes: analyzing your website’s overall organization of content; checking for keyword cannibalization; assessing individual pages’ quality in terms of E-A-T; identifying duplicate or outdated material; ensuring proper use of image links; monitoring ongoing changes on your site.

A technical SEO audit checklist involves examining aspects such as robots.txt files, sitemaps, and image optimization practices, spotting common on-site issues (e.g., broken links), reviewing site architecture elements (URL structure), and implementing schema markup where applicable.

To conduct an effective SEO website audit: start with evaluating domain factors (name/age/history); assess page-level components like E-A-T/headlines/keywords/user engagement/content length/duplicate contents/site-wide organization/schema markup/site architecture/Cannibalization of Keywords/Image Links/Organic Click-Through Rate(CTR). Utilize top tools available online for assistance throughout the process.


This Ultimate SEO Audit Checklist offers an easy way to audit your website and ensure it’s optimized for maximum performance, covering domain factors, page-level issues, content length, and more. This checklist covers all of the important aspects of local marketing. By utilizing these suggestions, there’s no reason not to carry out a comprehensive SEO assessment.

Let OptiLocal help you optimize your local SEO and website performance with our comprehensive audit checklist. Get started today to ensure your online presence reaches its full potential!

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